Thursday, November 6, 2008

Diversity Week 2008: November 10th - 14th

Diversity: A Latitude adjustment

November 10th-14th

Monday, November 10th
Student Center Commons - Organization Table # 2
Come and find out what Diversity Week is all about!

Subliminal Sexism
Student Services (Flag Bldg) - Room 117
Co-sponsored by the Women’s Resource Center. Join us for a stimulating discussion on sexism’s presence in various forms of media, featuring a guest panel of experts.

Tuesday, November 11th
Religion in the Age of Science: Four Approaches
Student Center - Room 320

Presented by Rev. Steven Fazenbaker, Wesley Foundation at Georgia Tech.

November 11th, 12th & 13th
Dr. Leon Bass, Guest Lecturer
Student Center Ballroom
10:00 am
Dr. Bass is the keynote speaker for the POWER OVER PREJUDICE conference. Bass is a retired principal from Philadelphia who entered the Buchenwald death camp after its liberation in 1945. As a witness to the atrocities of the Holocaust and also as a survivor of racism against African-Americans, Dr. Bass is in the unique position to speak about diversity awareness on many levels. This lecture is free to the Georgia Tech community, but space is limited.

Wednesday, November 12th
The Skin I’m In: A Celebration of Diversity through the Arts
Student Center – Tech Rec

Featuring the Fusion Georgia Tech Dance Teams as well as other forms of cultural expressions
Georgia Tech’s Fusion Teams will have the opportunity to showcase before the first round of the Fusion competition. The first round will take place on Saturday, November 21st at Center Stage. Fusion is a one of a kind performance competition that involves Atlanta-area universities in fusing different cultural groups to form new genres of music and dance. Check out for more information. Contact Diversity Programs if you want to showcase your talent. Individuals and groups are welcome.

Thursday, November 13th
Difficult Conversations in the Classroom
Georgia Tech Library - Neely Room
12pm - 1pm

This program is targeted for faculty, graduate/research assistants, and teaching assistants, but everyone is welcome. Participants will view “…and nobody said anything: Uncomfortable Conversations about Diversity,” and will be asked to problem solve diversity-related issues faced in the classroom. Learn how to address inappropriate comments and behaviors that may be displayed in the classroom. Feel free to bring your lunch.
Presented by Stephanie Ray, Associate Dean of Students/Director of Diversity Programs

What Stands Between Us©
Student Center - Piedmont Room
“So often we long to begin a conversation with someone who is different from ourselves, but hold back because we are fearful we might be rejected or say something inappropriate. Lee Mun Wah has collected over four hundred questions that people of color and EuroAmericans have always wanted to ask each other, but didn’t know how to begin. This workshop is a truly wonderful and educational way to start a conversation on diversity.”----StirFry Seminars
Facilitated by Stephanie Ray, Associate Dean of Students/Director of Diversity Programs

Friday, November 14th
Safe Space Training Part II
12pm - 2pm
The Safe Space Program is designed to teach allies how to provide information, support and resources to our LGBTQ community and their allies. Safe Space II gives more attention to the Coming Out Process, Bisexuality, Transgender Persons, and Ally Development. Sign up at Participants must have completed Safe Space I.

For more information call the Office of Diversity Programs at 404-894-2561 or TDD 404-894-1664. Please let the sponsors know if you need special accommodations to participate in these programs.

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