Thursday, September 8, 2011

9/11 Events on Campus

10 Years Later: How safe are we?
Marc Thiessen’s 15-year national security career has taken him from Capitol Hill to the Pentagon and the West Wing, where he served on the White House Senior Staff as chief speechwriter to President George W. Bush. His interviews with Senior Bush officials and CIA officials reveal the secrets and successes behind the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques that provided information pivotal to ensuring our national security. How vulnerable is our nation to another terrorist attack today?

Speaker bio: Former Member of the White House Senior Staff, chief speechwriter to the President and Secretary of Defense
Author, “Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe & How Barack Obama Is Inviting The Next Attack”
Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution
National Security/Public Policy Expert

Thursday, September 8 at 6:30pm
LeCraw Auditorium (College of Management 100)
Lecture open to public

9/11 Memorial Vigil
Please join the Georgia Tech Community on the evening of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks to honor those who lost their lives that day and those who continue to fight for our country today. This reflective vigil is open to all and if you would like to share a personal story, please contact Kristen at
Sunday, September 11 at 8:00pm
Open to public

These events are sponsored by the Georgia Tech College Republicans, the Office of Diversity Programs, and Young America’s Foundation.

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