Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Journal/Reflection: What Should I Do With My Life?

Once again, I have the privilege of teaching a section of GT1000 (Freshman Seminar). As part of the GT1000 experience, we ask the students to keep a journal so that they may reflect on what they are learning. Below is the first journal assignment for my class. Since Tech is going through our strategic plan as an organization (President Peterson has asked us to consider what "we want Georgia Tech to look like in 25 years"), I thought that this same journal/reflection assignment would be beneficial for more than just Freshmen.

You do not have to turn in this "Assignment" (the students do!), but I encourage you to take a few minutes and read these articles and see how you might apply them to your work here at Tech and to your life in general. I'd love to hear what you think (and also, if you have any good ideas for journal/reflection questions for our students). I also encourage you to get involved with the Georgia Tech strategic planning process, starting with the President's Investiture on September 3rd.

Journal Assignment

Part 1
Read Po Bronson’s articles “What Should I Do With My Life? The real meaning of success -- and how to find it.” (Fast Company, Issue 66, January 2006, pg 69) and the follow-up "What Should I Do With My Life, Now?" (Fast Company, January 13, 2009)

Po Bronson states:

“Most of us don't get epiphanies. We only get a whisper -- a faint urge. That's it. That's the call. It's up to you to do the work of discovery, to connect it to an answer. Of course, there's never a single right answer. At some point, it feels right enough that you choose, and the energy formerly spent casting about is now devoted to making your choice fruitful.”

Have you heard a whisper? Do you have any ideas yet on what answer is right for you right now?

Part 2 -- Life List/Goals

Create a life list. Write down 10-42 places to go, things to do, skills to acquire, and/or people to meet. Do not limit yourself to short-term goals. Think about the things that you want to accomplish throughout your life.

How can you use your time and resources while here at Georgia Tech help you to reach some of these goals?

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