Thursday, July 23, 2009

Workshop for Planning Campus Events (August 12)

The Campus Event Planners Network is sponsoring another exciting workshop. If you wish to attend, please register online at:

Be sure to bookmark the Master Training Calendar for a complete list of available training courses.

August 12, 2009
Workshop: Planning Campus Events
Instructor: Geni Greiner
Technology Square Research Building Room 132
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Cost: $50
Who Should Attend: Anyone involved in planning campus events.

This workshop will address event planning tips for a diverse range of campus associated events: donor and student events, board meetings, academic ceremonies, athletic events, external constituents, groundbreakings, and reoccurring events. Attendees will be assigned a group and a topic to plan an "Event". Groups will share their "Event" at the conclusion of the workshop with the other attendees allowing the opportunity for feedback and discussion.

We ask registrants to provide the following information via email to before the workshop:
Type of events you are interested in planning
Years of experience in planning events

About the Presenter:
Geni Greiner is the Director of University Events for Purdue University .

Greiner is a 15 year veteran of business-theatre. She began her career in conference management, served as the Director of Development Events for Iowa State University, Director of Donor Relations for Kansas University Endowment Association and currently is the Director of University Special Events for Purdue University. Her career includes two completed campaigns, raising over two billion dollars.

Geni is well-versed in integrated marketing and donor cultivation. Her events are best known for their WOW factors and ability to immerse an audience. She coordinates over 140 special events and meetings each year. In a four-year period, she increased donor attendance by 50 percent and coordinated a national alumni tour with record-breaking attendance.

As the Director of Donor Relations, she led a team, which re-engineered the Stewardship reporting function for Kansas University. The enhanced process generated a 70 percent increase in funding in just two years.

Greiner joined Purdue in July 2003. Purdue has 38,000 students and is in the final year of a 1.5 billion dollar campaign. Greiner joined a successful staff whose responsibilities include Homecoming, advancement events and alumni rallies.

She graduated with a B.S. in Public Relations from Northwest Missouri State University and attended the Institute for Organizational Management at Notre Dame University.

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